“Asana Now: Meditative Breath” – Group Exhibition

Asana Now: Meditative Breath
Group Exhibition
Curator: Raz Samira
MUZA Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv

Text and free associations: Dorit Kedar

Webmaster: Tzach Ben Josef

Some insights following Patanjali Yoga Sutras, always universally relevant.
Patanjali (2nd century BC–3rd century AD)
An Indian Mystic,
Divine incarnation,
An evolved Spirit (Samadhi)
A Knower,
A hybrid of Man and Serpent,
Guiding the seeker towards the
Ultimate Reality,
The Eternal beyond
The illusive mortal reality, ever changing, ever dying, ever suffering (Maya),
A deformed image of the Real, captured by misleading subjective sensorial organs.
Guiding the seeker of Wisdom, to overcome physical, sensorial, and psychological tumults (Procriti) and attain Bliss – Union with The Divine, Calmness, Pure Awareness (Purusha)
Guiding the seeker to overcome excessive activity or stagnation and cultivate spiritual, cognitive, emotional, and physical stability (Gunas).
Will, Devotion, Faith in the Way, Endurance, Control of senses and of lowly desires are daily requisites.

“Arjuna, be steady in the performance of your duty, and treat both success and failure equally. Such state of Mind is called Yoga” (Bhagavad Gita)

Alas… The seeker has to overcome instinctive egocentric fluctuations and strictly follow necessary imperatives: (Yamas):
No waste of energy,
No greediness.
The seeker has to accomplish essential
Study and inquiry,
Counter-acting negativity.

Patanjali, in the 4th chapter of his condensed book, advises the seeker social relations:
“Friendship towards the happy ones,
Compassion towards the distressed,
Joy towards the Virtuous,
Equanimity towards the non-virtuous.”

Upon reaching Samadhi, pure Awareness, total Union with The Divine, the seeker of Ultimate Reality becomes a Knower, transcending the limitations of time and space.
ter, he will know the way of the smallest particle of matter as well as the totality of matter…Asana (Yoga posture) may serve as a summary of this brief introductory text:
One should sit and meditate, relaxed, steady; entirely effortless, fully absorbed by and in Infinity and thus overcoming duality and separation, the Me and The Divine, fully in Union.

We have chosen only a part of the present exhibit excellent artworks.
Our readers are invited to see the writer’s own way to attempt philosophically and artistically to envisage visual transformation by the Chakras:

Liat Elbling
Closer than ever

Hanna Sahar
Finding Favor

Talia Keinan

Sasha Tamarin
Towards the Sun

Ori Gersht
Rear Window II

Naomi Mandel
Colocasia I

Dganit Berest
The Marble Series

Efrat Yaron

Yana Rotner
White Photogram 4-7

Michael Liani
Breaking News

About Dr. Dorit Kedar

Forced to continuously change nations, cultures and schooling - I had to develop a wider sense of communication, a way of thinking-feeling-behaving which stresses the common denominators. The need to adapt new landscapes and land-souls has taught instinctive means to overcome separatism, prejudices, dogmatic beliefs and suspicions. While looking for the common gathering denominators, I have also increased the ability of perception and individuation. Being constantly in estranged places has triggered psychological processes to turn the unfamiliar into familiar. As an art critic in the Israeli press, a curator, a writer - have always dealt with the otherness, the different and the infinite variety of the Existent. My Book of Peace is the result.
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