St John The Baptist New Orthodox Church, Haifa

St John The Baptist New Orthodox Church, Haifa
Design: Balan Architects, Haifa

Text and photography: Dorit Kedar

Webmaster: Tzach Ben Josef

In the vicinity of The Bahai quarters and The Messianic Jews Congregation House of Mercy or Beth-Hesda.
The Divine is addressed in different ways; as manifested in this marvelous city of Israel.
Unfortunately, most of human species are unable to grasp Oneness within Diversity.
This unfortunate archetypal inability is the source of ignorance, evil, and desolation.
But we address the few worldly chosen ones, who may experience the awe and wonderment, when experiencing in situ, the Beauty of Oneness within Diversity/Pluralism.
Both concepts become a true Revelation, only by comprehending and sensing the inherent metaphysical and empiric interdependence.

Co visitors: Nurit Fox, Lee Fecher-Fishbain, Merav Lenman

About Dr. Dorit Kedar

Forced to continuously change nations, cultures and schooling - I had to develop a wider sense of communication, a way of thinking-feeling-behaving which stresses the common denominators. The need to adapt new landscapes and land-souls has taught instinctive means to overcome separatism, prejudices, dogmatic beliefs and suspicions. While looking for the common gathering denominators, I have also increased the ability of perception and individuation. Being constantly in estranged places has triggered psychological processes to turn the unfamiliar into familiar. As an art critic in the Israeli press, a curator, a writer - have always dealt with the otherness, the different and the infinite variety of the Existent. My Book of Peace is the result.
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