Exhibition by artist Shany Saar

Exhibition by artist Shany Saar

Text and photography: Dorit Kedar

Webmaster: Tzach Ben Jisef

The yearning towards spaciousness,
Days of Light,
Days of Darkness,
Beyond the window glass,
Beyond grates,
The Dreamer,
The Seer,
An introvert,
In a dubious attempt to
Explore the

About Dr. Dorit Kedar

Forced to continuously change nations, cultures and schooling - I had to develop a wider sense of communication, a way of thinking-feeling-behaving which stresses the common denominators. The need to adapt new landscapes and land-souls has taught instinctive means to overcome separatism, prejudices, dogmatic beliefs and suspicions. While looking for the common gathering denominators, I have also increased the ability of perception and individuation. Being constantly in estranged places has triggered psychological processes to turn the unfamiliar into familiar. As an art critic in the Israeli press, a curator, a writer - have always dealt with the otherness, the different and the infinite variety of the Existent. My Book of Peace is the result.
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