Four Exhibitions at the Petah Tikva Museum of Art

Four Exhibitions at the Petah Tikva Museum of Art

Free Associations and photography: Dorit Kedar

Webmaster: Tzach Ben Josef

No Ground
Artist: Tamar Simon
Curator: Daniella Tzadka-Cohen

A Face of any living creature is the gate, throughout, communication with the world, is made possible…
The face is a conglomeration of all senses.
A primordial interaction, be it positive or negative, between entities, is made by the encounter of faces and their expressions.
Attraction or instinctive rejection may be put into effect by looking at a face,
its formal traits and the energy conveyed.
Apparently, Tamar Simon ‘s faces are only quasi realistic.
They do not respond to any formal preference, rather inspired by the incredible diversity existent.
The world of beings is replete with faces and each one is unique, ever changing with age and all are mortal…
The artist is immensely intrigued by faces and most probably combines the drawings by a collage of facial fragments, derived of different people, seen in nearby or remote places… She, thus, becomes a creator of her own imaginative person, popping out of both tenacious and disciplined ballpoint scribble.

Endless Rain into a Paper Cup
Artist: Eli Koplevitch
Curator: Daniella Tzadka-Cohen

When refinement and delicacy are challenged by the crudity and aggression of events.
When the artist is in a constant affinity with philosophers, artists, musicians who have enriched his mental, emotional and above all – creative life.
When the visual and textual are strongly inter- connected to outcry a personal pain, a communal suffering.

Working End, Standing End, Reinstalled
Artist: Maya Attoun
Curator: Irena Gordon

The bluish series of the knots,
The graphic double wording – END,
The side “curtains”, exposing a part of the theory of knots are but a prevision of a prompt death:
The knots, which can never be unknotted,
The Church-like triptych with the stern monumental denotation – END…
Maya Attoun excelled, through an intuitive scientific approach, a secular metaphysics,
Always suggesting numerous paths,
But never sharing a definite response.

Song of Love and Other Drawers
Artist: Maran Golan
Curator: Irena Gordon

Outstanding drawings bursting out of the Mind Drawers,
A quasi contemporary pseudo alchemist,
The items fluctuating between the practicable and the secretive.
Each item stands, as the sole protagonist of its own space, having no affinity with any other component.
Each item gets a maximal attention, as if it were a precious key, leading to an ungraspable

About Dr. Dorit Kedar

Forced to continuously change nations, cultures and schooling - I had to develop a wider sense of communication, a way of thinking-feeling-behaving which stresses the common denominators. The need to adapt new landscapes and land-souls has taught instinctive means to overcome separatism, prejudices, dogmatic beliefs and suspicions. While looking for the common gathering denominators, I have also increased the ability of perception and individuation. Being constantly in estranged places has triggered psychological processes to turn the unfamiliar into familiar. As an art critic in the Israeli press, a curator, a writer - have always dealt with the otherness, the different and the infinite variety of the Existent. My Book of Peace is the result.
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